Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Anyone can get lupus but women are most at risk.

If you have lupus, your immune system attacks healthy cells and tissues by mistake. This can damage your joints, skin, blood vessels and organs. There are many kinds of lupus. The most common type, systemic lupus erythematosus, affects many parts of the body. Discoid lupus causes a rash that doesn't go away. Subacute cutaneous lupus causes sores after being out in the sun. Another type can be caused by medication. Neonatal lupus, which is rare, affects newborns.
Anyone can get lupus, but women are most at risk. Lupus is also more common in African American, Hispanic, Asian and Native American women. The cause of lupus is not known.
Lupus has many symptoms. Some common ones are
  1. Joint pain or swelling
  1. Muscle pain
  1. Fever with no known cause
  1. Fatigue
  1. Red rashes, often on the face (also called the "butterfly rash")

There is no one test to diagnose lupus, and it may take months or years to make the diagnosis. There is no cure for lupus, but medicines and lifestyle changes can help control it.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

What causes lupus?

Although doctors are do not know exactly what causes lupus and other autoimmune diseases, most believe that lupus results from both genetic and environmental stimuli.

Since lupus is known to occur within families, doctors believe that it is possible to inherit a genetic predisposition to lupus. There are no known genes, however, that directly cause the illness. It is probable that having an inherited predisposition for lupus makes the disease more likely only after coming into contact with some environmental trigger.

The higher number of lupus cases in females than in males may indicate that the disease can be triggered by certain hormones.

Physicians believe that hormones such as estrogen regulate the progression of the disease because symptoms tend to flare before menstrual periods and/or during pregnancy.

Certain environmental factors have been known to cause lupus symptoms. These include:
  •     Extreme stress
  •     Exposure to ultraviolet light, usually from sunlight
  •     Smoking
  •     Some medications and antibiotics, especially those in the sulfa and penicillin groups
  •     Some infections, such as cytomegalovirus (CMV), parvovirus (such as fifth disease),              hepatitis C infections, and the Epstein-Barr virus (in children)
  •     Chemical exposure to compounds such as trichloroethylene in well water and dust

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Lupus- Grieving Is Important & Normal

Lupus can really be a deliberating disease that can cause disruption in everyday
life. It can make you feel loss of yourself emotionally, and feeling like you don’t
own control over your very own health and body anymore let alone your life.
Most people who live with lupus have the challenges of learning to do things in a
total different way if not being able to ever do it again because lupus robs them of
the ability and mobility to do so. Participating in Activities and being able to set
our own standards and limits is a plus, however when you have lupus being able to do
so becomes a struggle in itself, for just the normal things you used to do. This kind of
struggle makes someone with lupus feel inadequate because they feel defined by
those activities like, playing sports, spending time with friends and family, goal
and ambition building amongst many more. It’s a sense of normalcy for people to
change their lives on their own and to grow or transform, but in the lupus world
most times you don’t have that decision to make. This seems like a

Even though some of these feelings are of an emotional nature one need not to
think that this process of grieving is any less devastating than the loss or death of
someone you love. See all these emotional feelings are people who have lost the
ability to do certain things they are used to doing and maintaining most of their lives.This loss of control of their appearances, images, health and body, and loss of opportunities can be devastating. All this causes a grief process to begin and it is normal. Most people think that a grieving process only comes to pass when there is death, this is true however non-death experiences brings about grieving as well. When you define grief you will find
many definitions however it can be defined as an emotion of great sadness
associated with loss or bereavement. Loss, meaning anything not just death. Loss
of abilities and normalcy like what lupus causes. You miss what you don’t have any
more weather it has been taken away abruptly or over a period of time. Its ok to
grieve so don’t ever disregard your feelings, talk to someone, your support system
or even your doctor or therapist. Don’t take grief likely or for granted. Although
normal you don’t want to find yourself grieving more than the illness is physically effecting you itself. The grieving process is for the newly and
veteran diagnosed. 

Life After Diagnosis
The importance of grieving is part of your coping and what I call your healing
process. Lupus has different faces, but the emotional anguish we all have that in
common. It’s important to grieve and to go through this process so that you can
move forward. This is when life after diagnosis really begins.
Even though you are going through a grieving process doesn’t mean life is
over. Life can be just beginning for you. Now you are forced to learn new things to
do to replace activities you cannot do anymore. (Can be exciting to embark on
new things) You may even discover things about yourself you didn’t know. Better
yet, it will be an everlasting experience to train yourself how to be
comfortable being uncomfortable just for a while. Limitations won’t seem like
limitation if you find substitutes. The key is not to give up no matter what your
situation looks like. Life just has new meaning that’s all. This all is a process
because after 23 years living with lupus myself I had to grow into a new me. I do
miss my old life but I don’t stay stuck. I even grieve sometime but again I don’t
stay stuck. Again if you are grieving its normal I see a mental health therapist who
helps me with all my mental health challenges surrounding my grief. However you may want to research grief counselors in your area if your therapist doesn’t provide this type
of service. Be mindful you only get one life to live however the type of life you
have can be many, so whatever the case or wherever you are at in your lupus
battle make the decision to live your life after diagnosis.
BY Coach Kisha Johnson McRae

Disclaimer- I am not a doctor or a medical professional. The information contained in this blog is
based on personal experience and professional training. Any information, suggestions or advice is not to
be replaced for medical treatment. This blog was intended to help those who grieve with lupus
understand the normalcy of it. I will not be held responsible for anyone using any such information for
the purposes that this blog intentions are not serving. Self-help and awareness of the grief that lupus
can bring.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Young, black women have the highest rate of developing lupus

Young, black women have the highest rate of developing lupus and are most likely to be diagnosed at a younger age than whites and during childbearing years, according to a new University of Michigan study of lupus in Southeastern Michigan.

In Michigan, lupus prevalence was three times higher than previous estimates, reaching one in 537 black female Michiganders in the region, compared to one in 1,153 white women, according to the findings that appear in Arthritis and Rheumatism.

In addition to experiencing the disease earlier in life -- which can mean living with the condition over more years -- black females with lupus also faced a higher degree of serious health complications, such as kidney failure requiring dialysis or a transplant.

The U-M research, which covered roughly a quarter of the state's population, is part of a landmark epidemiology study (which examines disease patterns and associated risk factors) -- and the largest of its kind ever performed in the U.S. focusing on lupus.

Lupus (technically known as systemic lupus erythematosus or SLE) is a chronic, autoimmune disease that may cause such symptoms as extreme fatigue, headaches, painful or swollen joints, hair loss, anemia, rashes and abnormal blood clotting. Serious organ damage can also occur, including kidney, neurologic, and cardiovascular complications. Like most autoimmune diseases, risk of lupus is significantly higher for females than males.

The findings, which are based on data collected as part of a public health initiative in conjunction with the Michigan Department of Community Health, dovetail with a sister project from Emory University in Atlanta, Ga. that found that the incidence rate for lupus was three times higher for black women than for white women in Georgia. Both studies appear in Arthritis and Rheumatism, along with an accompanying editorial on the research's implications. (Read more on all of the findings here).

"There is a very poor understanding of what causes lupus. Identifying the population and dynamics involved helps us target our resources more effectively and better recognize risk factors for the development and progression of the disease," says lead author Emily Somers, Ph.D., Sc.M, an assistant professor in the departments of Internal Medicine in the division of Rheumatology, Environmental Health Sciences, and Obstetrics & Gynecology at the U-M Medical and Public Health Schools.

"We found a striking health disparity between black and white women. The disproportionate burden of disease was compounded by the fact that for black females, peak risk of developing lupus occurred in young adulthood while the risk of disease among white women was spread out more evenly through mid-adulthood and tended to be less severe.

"Lupus onset occurring before or during reproductive years can have significant implications for childbearing and risks in pregnancy, and of course may lead to a higher burden of health issues over the lifespan."

The study was based on a diverse population of roughly 2.4 million residents in Wayne and Washtenaw counties between 2002 and 2004.

A $3 million grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will allow Somers and her colleagues to continue researching risk factors for lupus, including gene-environment interactions, which may pave the way for prevention strategies.

"Our findings compel us to develop practices to improve screening for kidney disease among high-risk populations in order to better treat the condition and improve health outcomes for people with this chronic disease," Somers says.

Story Source:

The above story is based on materials provided by University of Michigan Health System.

Monday, October 20, 2014

What is lupus?

Lupus is a chronic, autoimmune disease that can damage any part of the body (skin, joints, and/or organs inside the body). Chronic means that the signs and symptoms tend to last longer than six weeks and often for many years.

In lupus, something goes wrong with your immune system, which is the part of the body that fights off viruses, bacteria, and germs ("foreign invaders," like the flu). Normally our immune system produces proteins called antibodies that protect the body from these invaders. Autoimmune means your immune system cannot tell the difference between these foreign invaders and your body’s healthy tissues ("auto" means "self") and creates autoantibodies that attack and destroy healthy tissue. These autoantibodies cause inflammation, pain, and damage in various parts of the body.

Lupus is also a disease of flares (the symptoms worsen and you feel ill) and remissions (the symptoms improve and you feel better).

These are some additional facts about lupus that you should know:
  • Lupus is not contagious, not even through sexual contact. You cannot "catch" lupus from someone or "give" lupus to someone.

  • Lupus is not like or related to cancer. Cancer is a condition of malignant, abnormal tissues that grow rapidly and spread into surrounding tissues. Lupus is an autoimmune disease, as described above.

  • Lupus is not like or related to HIV (Human Immune Deficiency Virus) or AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). In HIV or AIDS the immune system is underactive; in lupus, the immune system is overactive.

  • Lupus can range from mild to life-threatening and should always be treated by a doctor. With good medical care, most people with lupus can lead a full life.

  • Our research estimates that at least 1.5 million Americans have lupus. The actual number may be higher; however, there have been no large-scale studies to show the actual number of people in the U.S. living with lupus.

  • More than 16,000 new cases of lupus are reported annually across the country.

  • It is believed that 5 million people throughout the world have a form of lupus.

  • Lupus strikes mostly women of childbearing age (15-44). However, men, children, and teenagers develop lupus, too. Most people will develop lupus between the ages of 15-44.

  • Women of color are two to three times more likely to develop lupus than Caucasians.

  • People of all races and ethnic groups can develop lupus.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Life after Diagnosis….

What does that mean? WellI’m about to share with you my struggle, my battle, my fight and how I won? I am a 23 year long LUPUS survivor. For those who are not clear on what lupus is please google it but I will sum it up briefly. It’s an auto immune disease causing the body to attack itself. It’sliterally an invisible monster you never know from day to day what your physical being will be like. A chronic illness because the world indicates there is no cure. However being the spiritual person I am I know GOD Has the last say so and is my healer.   

This disease will attack your kidneys, skin, liver, heart, and any organ part internal if it’s not controlled. I was diagnosed at age 19 1990 was the year. When at this time it wasn’t that much support and doctors still indicated that lupus had about a 10 year life span. Just imagine at 19 years old thinking you were going to die in 10 years. Just think about that. I had a one year daughter when I was diagnosed so I was horrified. Well with the treatment I had and the doctors who took care me I am now 43 years old so you do the math. I have my days but I’m happy. Lupus hurts extremely bad. Going back after the birth of my 1st born I was the walking dead for over a year before being diagnosed. My grandmother and aunt died with this illness.  I am the only living family member living with this disease and I plan on being here a long time. I even had a son who was born in 1999. Doctors weren’t too happy with this pregnancy because lupus was kind of calm and doctors wanted it to stay that way however they were afraid of me flaring while being pregnant. Throughout pregnancy when flaring you aren’t allowed to take certain medications and if you were too, you can put your baby in jeopardy of harm so for me I was monitored closely. I was high risk but guess what I had a healthy bouncing baby boy. My miracle baby is what I call him because he was born through a struggle that he and I won.
I say all this to say to you even though you go through, in that pain you will grow through it. After a near death experience in 1998 and as I was giving up GOD whispered I’m here. That was it I fought and I’m here today to tell you if you are fighting a chronic illness, Lupus, Crisis or struggle lean not on your own understanding trust GOD. I was spared for a reason and that was to encourage you to get up go get what you want and that there is life after diagnosis. Your life still has purpose through all your triumphs.
If you are sick don’t allow the sickness to have you, speak life into yourself. Speak on things that you know and want as if it is already done because with faith it will be. I’m not a pastor, preacher or deacon I just have a high quality of faith and I must share it. I don’t apologize for it either because if my words of wisdom can touch someone I’m fine with that. I tell my story to spot light you not me.
My mission here on earth is breathing life back into those with chronic illness/Lupus 1ST. While promoting a higher heeled esteem life style. You deserve to love your life, you deserve to live your life, when diagnosed with an illness doesn’t mean that life is over. It’s a beginning of a battle to fight for your life and no one can do that but you. Get your mindset shifted. If you lying in the bed sick meditate, pray don’t give up. If I had given up I wouldn’t be here today pouring into you.
I am a living testimony that there is life after diagnosis. I may have lupus but it doesn’t have me. Lupus may live in my body but homeless in my soul. I have a family and children who need me you do too. You didn’t create your life! So who are you to decide when it ends? There is life even after diagnosis. In closing I just want to share that I am a life style coach helping women with illness, sickness, stressed out, overwhelmed. I help you to find your purpose and create an action plan to help you obtain your goals. When you are finished coaching with me you will have a higher heeled self-esteem and live. You will began to walk a higher heeled esteem lifestyle. Many people ask why I use that I say because my nick name is stiletto Queen NY because I love stilettos. However I flipped this to give it more justice and the name wisdom, because stilettos are very high. So I wouldn’t mind the self-esteem, the height of the highest stiletto. LOL. I must add that my coaching services include various coaching programs that fit every life style and Budget. I also have a rapid transformation session that we can have to see if coaching, or my coaching style is a fit for you. I’m a real talk coach, with empathy because I been their but I also hold you accountable.
 I have one on one coaching services that has been designed and created with those who struggle with low self-esteem and the inability to move forward in life and overcome obstacles because of illness or crisis. Again I am a 23 year long Lupus survivor so I am living proof there is Life after Diagnosis I am an author an inspirational speaker with the signature talk message of Life after diagnosis.
 My talks can also be customized to fit any audience that are in need of inspiration and motivation.
I have a new self-help book that is called Life After Diagnosis and it’s basically my blue print of how I was able to overcome the obstacles of living with an illness and how the things I discovered that raised my own self esteem causing me to love my life, love and appreciate the skin I’m in and most of all live life after diagnosis. 

 Kisha Johnson-McRae
Life Style Coach, Author, Speaker, peer Health Educator, Lupus Line counselor
Promoting a higher heeled self -esteem while
Speaking Life Back Into People with Lupus/Chronic Illness 1st
Office: 347-541-7748

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Life After Diagnosis the Chronic Disease Lupus with the Inspirational e-Book Kisha Johnson McRae
Are you suffering from lupus? Does this chronic disease talks a toll on your mind as well? Then you must read the e-book Life after Diagnosis launched by Kisha Johnson McRae who herself is a survivor of Lupus. She succeeded to overcome the disease and narrated her struggling journey with the disease in her book. the book does not solely describes her life rather it is written to motivate people who are diagnosed with Lupus and wake up every day with pain, extreme fatigue, fever, headaches, edema and various other problems.
Purpose of the book
Life after Diagnosis falls under the genre of self help books through which the author endeavors to motivate people diagnosed with Lupus or chronic disease 1st. she tries to instill a ray of hope among the people suffering from this painful disease that it is possible to return back to the normal life. Her sole purpose is to encourage people to debunk the myths and ensure them that a life exists even after the diagnosis of this painful disease. It is a real life testimony of a survivor did not only cope up with the disease but also controlled it.
An inspirational anecdote
The e-book is an inspirational anecdote of a sufferer of Lupus after the diagnosis of the disease and the ups and downs faced by the patient with changes encountered in both mind and body. According to Kisha, Lupus can harbor her body but not her soul. The author stresses on the fact that the disease can affect your body but if you are determined enough, it cannot take a toll on your mind. The motivational speaker, Kisha Johnson McRae, narrates her inspirational journey at various empowerment events but she wanted to reach all the people worldwide who are suffering from this painful disease through her e-book, Life after Diagnosis.
Help yourself and help others
You will be able to help other people by purchasing this e-book as a portion of each purchase will be donated lupus groups, organizations or foundations. This book can be the ultimate self help book for a person diagnosed with Lupus. No one but only the sufferer can realize the pain of the disease so that person can only help himself and herself by battling the disease with a strong willpower. The e-book contains suggestion for battling with Lupus fatigue, positive thinking about life and how she overcame resistance.

To conclude
Life after Diagnosis can be an inspirational guide for a patient suffering with Lupus and instilling a hope in their mind that a life exists even after diagnosis.

Monday, August 4, 2014

My 1st Book

Hello everyone... My 1st book is being re-published and due to be
Available via-kindle version 2015 Launch date will be announced
at a later date. New and Improved stay tuned.
Speaking life back into those with lupus and chronic illness 1ST.

“Lupus may live in my body but homeless in my soul.”
Kisha Johnson McRae has Systemic Lupus along with other health issues that plague her body and overlaps with lupus.

Life after diagnosis was created not to spotlight me, it’s never about me it’s about you and your emotional healing of whatever chronic illness you are battling. The word chronic indicates that this is an incurable illness that you will battle forever. Not a good look. This book was designed with you the reader in mind to guide you towards self-healing, not just coping with disease but controlling it.

In my case its lupus. Be ready to be put in a space of living and loving your life again. Inside you will read all I have done to birth my life again. I know in some form or fashion this book will transform your life. Illness knocked me off my feet, I battled lupus for 23 years. However I am a living testimony that there is life after diagnosis no matter what it looks like.

Are you ready to be motivated, inspired and encouraged? This Lupie butterfly understands your pain I live with it daily. Sometime we have to get uncomfortable to be comfortable. What is your diagnosis? Well here is my blueprint of life after Diagnosis.